Tipperary PPN Newsletter April 2020 Sections: 1. PPN News & Members Corner 2. Active Public Consultations/ Notices 3. Funding/ Grant Opportunities 4. Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events PPN News Dear PPN Member, We do hope this email finds you well and we are very aware we are sending you lots of information due to Covid 19 pandemic. Please find your monthly newsletter from the Tipperary PPN with Public consultation, notices, funding and grant opportunities and public service announcements and training opportunities from across the county. Please click the link below to find a list and map of groups and amenities across the county. https://tipp.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=8bc2743884b14aa089157769cea16bed Stay safe everyone. Tipperary PPN Team Active Public Consultations/ Notices Govt invests in additional 5,000 eBooks and eAudiobooks €200,000 investment made as libraries register big jump in online memberships. Michael Ring TD, Minister for Rural and Community Development, has announced a fund of €200,000 to support the provision of an additional 5,000 eBooks and eAudiobooks in order to meet the significant increase in demand for access to the public library online service during the COVID-19 crisis. You can join your library by going on to - https://librariesireland.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/19000112082-how-can-i-get-a-library-card-so-that-i-can-read-ebooks Public libraries provide users with a wide range of free online services including eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, online courses, online languages and online newspapers. All resources can be accessed online via https://www.librariesireland.ie/elibrary Online services can be accessed by downloading the following apps: BorrrowBox – 30,313 e-books and 22,781 e-audiobooks via the libraries BorrowBox App. RBdigital – Latest editions of over 350 international magazines including Hello!, Woman’s Own, The Economist, Time Magazine etc. PressReader – provides more than 3,200 newspapers from over 100 countries worldwide including the Irish Independent, Irish Examiner, Sligo Champion and Daily Telegraph. Transparent Language - provides courses in 114 different languages, together with English courses for speakers of 32 different languages. Universal Class – which is available via www.UniversalClass.com provides over 500 e-learning courses including computer classes and alternative medicine. All of these services can be accessed by signing in with your library card number. You can phone your local library if your card is out of date or if you need any assistance. Contact details are available on https://www.librariesireland.ie/find-your-local-library. Munster Vales 5 Year Strategic Development Plan These are truly unprecedented times for the tourism sector across the board. The industry is and will continue to face challenging times as Covid 19 remains in delay phase, we are all trying to steer a ship in troubled waters but we have to remain hopeful that our tourism industry will rise again and the effects of Covid 19 will in time subside, With this in mind and trying to remain positive in uncertain times, Munster Vales has commenced the development of a 5 year strategic development plan. This plan will identify opportunities to enhance existing tourism products and develop projects across Munster Vales. This plan is focused on enhancing Munster Vales as a destination with identifying key activities that support you the trade and will ultimately improve the appeal to visitors of Munster Vales as a destination At this point it would be most helpful to have your input and in this regard we have developed a short survey available at the below link https://munstervales.com/en/news/be-part-of-the-future-of-munster-vales All survey respondents will have the opportunity to enter in to a draw to potentially win a Tipperary Food Producer Hamper and a family pass to any OPW site in the region. The winner will be informed by email. But you may remain anonymous if you wish. Closing date for the survey is 27th of April 2020. Funding/ Grant Opportunities Age Action & Hardship Funding Age Action and the Irish Red Cross are working together to assist older people around Ireland who are experiencing hardship as a result of COVID-19. They have launched a COVID-19 Hardship Fund to respond to the immediate needs of older people in vulnerable situations across Ireland experiencing additional hardship as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis. For an application form you can Email: Hardship2020@redcross.ie or call Age Action at 0818 911109 or contact Denise for additional information I’ll be glad to help. Denise Kennedy, Secretary, Nenagh Branch, Irish Red Cross | 0833077525 For more information visit https://www.redcross.ie/hardshipfund/?utm_source=Website&utm_medium=Banner&utm_campaign=Hardship%20Fund&utm_term=Hardship%20Fund,%20Irish%20Red%20Cross New support available through Tipperary Local Enterprise Office (LEO) called Business Continuity Voucher The new Business Continuity Voucher, available through Local Enterprise Offices, is designed for businesses across every sector that employ up to 50 people. The voucher is worth up to €2,500 in third party consultancy costs and can be used by companies and sole traders to develop short-term and long-term strategies to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. The goal is to help companies make informed decisions about what immediate measures and remedial actions should be taken, to protect staff and sales. If your application is successful, a qualified expert will be selected by your Local Enterprise Office to work with you on your business continuity plans. The value of this service is up to a maximum of €2,500. For more information visit https://www.localenterprise.ie/Portal/response/Business-Continuity-Voucher/Business-Continuity-Voucher.html Business continuity voucher Public Service Announcements, Training and Upcoming Local Events Jigsaw's Covid-19 action plan As a society we are in uncharted territory as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. What is clear is that to tackle this situation head on, we all have a part to play. At Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health, we are fully committed to playing ours. Jigsaw is Ireland’s leading youth mental charity and is committed to advancing young people’s mental health and to developing supportive communities by providing a range of primary care services and supports across the Republic of Ireland. Over the last 16 years, we have established a strong track record in: delivering free, one-to-one therapeutic sessions for young people (aged 12-25) offering community-based programmes aimed at better informing, supporting, educating and empowering young people and those around them, in places where they live, learn, work and play undertaking pioneering research, robust evaluation and transformative evidence providing a wide range of online mental health supports through jigsawonline.ie rolling out a comprehensive post-primary school programme aimed at supporting the mental health and wellbeing of young people by developing a shared responsibility for mental health across the whole school community. However, just as the COVID-19 situation is evolving and changing, so too must our response. What is clear is that our ability to maintain the same level of care and support to our young people and those around them, in these challenging times, is now compromised and we must look at alternatives. Now, more than ever, we need to be there for our young people and those around them. As such, we have developed this action plan to outline the important role Jigsaw can play in supporting young people, and those around them, in these challenging times. For information, support, or just to find out more about what we do visit www.jigsaw.ie Jigsaw Covid- 19 Action plan Green Flag Community Award applications The Green Flag Award® scheme recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world. Purpose & aims To ensure that everybody has access to quality green and other open spaces, irrespective of where they live. To ensure that these spaces are appropriately managed and meet the needs of the communities that they serve. To establish standards of good management. To promote and share good practice amongst the green space sector. To recognise and reward the hard work of managers, staff and volunteers. Obviously there will be disruptions to our 2020 schedule in terms of judging, and award events, but we intend to reschedule these, and adjust practices so as to work with government advice. Luckily Parks largely remain open and we have a number of options in terms of how to survey the sites. To apply visit http://www.greenflagaward.org/organisation-summary/?organisation=13 Also of use for Green Flag Community Award applicants: Bank of Ireland’s Begin Together Fund will provide valuable investment for community initiatives making a difference in towns and villages across the island of Ireland. Applications are welcome from charities and not-for-profit community groups working in communities that address one or more of the strands of wellbeing as outlined in the fund criteria which can be found here. Bank of Ireland Begin together Fund Application Interested organisations are invited to complete the online application form before the extended deadline of 5pm on Thursday, 9th of Aprilis for the Bank of Ireland’s Begin Together Fund Applications. Third Age Updated services With the outbreak of Covid-19, Third Age – managers, staff and volunteers – have adapted each programme to ensure continuity of service and to provide new solutions for a changed time. All programmes are working with the health, social, emotional and psychological needs of older people and our services are responding to their new needs in the light of the current health and social situation. Please find details below: Senior Line -This is Ireland’s only dedicated peer to peer telephone services for older people with 180 trained older volunteers working every day from 10am to 10pm. This service is funded by the HSE. In recent weeks we have seen an increase of up to 200% in calls dealing with stress, anxiety and isolation. We issue twice daily Covid-19 updates to volunteers on best health practice, information other community supports, tips on how to cocoon successfully and other helpful referrals. Our information is accurate and keeps pace with the changing dynamic. Freefone number is 1800 80 45 91. AgeWell -This is a community support programme in partnership with the HSE where trained companions visit vulnerable older people at home. We are currently providing telephone support. Each client receives two calls per week during which companions use a 20 Question Health App to monitor ongoing health. This is an early warning tool, and we ensure that if necessary each client is immediately connected to the right community care. We are currently working with a US stakeholder to repurpose our Health App to identify complaints indicative of early Covid-19 infection. Failte Isteach - This programme has 1,250 trained tutors teaching free conversational classes in English each week to over 4,000 migrants, refugee and asylum seekers. Classes have now moved online to teaching groups through Zoom, Office Teams and WhatsApp. Navigate your Work Future - This programme enables older people (50+) to plan their working life. The supports include career coaching, interview preparation, networking and future work trend information. We are now providing a suite of online supports. Third Age Summerhill is now working virtually. We are leading a community-based volunteer support system for members and local older people. We are keeping contact, phoning our members weekly, organising delivery of shopping and medicines to allow cocooning. Also our Digital Skills trainers are maintaining telephone contact with their database of older students. All our services continue to operate and to provide critical support to those most at risk from Covid-19. We are determined to do what all can to minimise the impact on our older population. For more information, contact Anne Dempsey Communications Manager 087-7450721 | www.thirdageireland.ie NALA is fully open for business (and following government guidelines by working remotely) Call us on Freephone 1800 20 20 65 or Text LEARN to 50050 NALA will ring you back with more information or set you up with one of our friendly tutors. Our phone is answered Monday to Friday 9.30am-5pm and we will reply to all texts within two days. Free over-the-phone help for adults We have tutors on the phone that can help with: Reading, writing and spelling Numbers and basic maths Filling in forms, for example for social welfare benefit Fun learning ideas for kids Understanding health information Understanding financial information, for example applying for mortgage relief Learn online with us Has your adult education class been postponed? Do you have some extra time on your hands to learn at home? Well the good news is that you can learn online with us – for free. Our website Learn with NALA can help you improve your literacy and numeracy skills. And if you need help, we have tutors on the phone ready to take your call. We have four courses available: Level 2 Reading Level 2 Writing Level 2 Pattern and relationship Level 2 Using technology Click here to learn with NALA Confused by health information? Many people find health information difficult to understand, especially at the moment. If you need help reading or understanding health information call us on our Freephone 1800 20 20 65 and we will try to help you. Also, there are a lot of new words and terms being used at the moment so we have produced a handy A-Z guide to some of these words. Covid-19 words and terms explained in plain English South East Family Support Network Due to the ongoing crises caused by COVID-19, the SER Family Support Network as have cancelled all our face to face family support group meetings. However, we want to reassure you that we plan to remain fully operational during this difficult time. To ensure family members have the support they need all our facilitators are available to answer your calls and provide information, support and guidance. For contact details in your area, please go to contact page on our website, peerfamilysupport.org.You may also contact our coordinator at 086 6045805. We are in the planning process of providing online options for peer group support and individual brief intervention (5 Step Method). As we try to meet this new challenge, please continue to check our website so we can keep you updated. Parent support calendar for April - June 2020 Please find Parent Support calendar for April - June 2020 here. Tipperary county council contact number for vulnerable citizens during Covid 19 Tipperary County Council is providing a contact number 0761 06 5000 and email covid19@tipperarycoco.ie with the lines open from 8.00am to 8.00PM seven days a week. Tipperary PPN is delighted to be part of this fantastic initiative. For more information visit https://www.tipperarycoco.ie/news/press-release-community-response or www.tipperarycoco.ie Communities Creating Jobs Winter Newsletter This quarterly newsletter cover community developments and job creation throughout Ireland. The articles should prove useful to those communities seeking to re-energise their locality, with examples of good news stories from around the country. Communities Creating Jobs Spring Newsletter Family Carers Ireland Office has relocated Office has relocated to Place4U Building, Gladstone Street Clonmel. Adjacent to St. Peter & Paul’s Church. Richie Molloy, Carer Supports Manager. Mob: 086 1727048 | Desk: 052 744 7102 | 052 744 7101 Email: clonmel@familycarers.ie | www.familycarers.ie HSE Clinical Programme for Eating Disorders launches Self Care and Information App An estimated 188,895 Irish people will experience an eating disorder at some point in their lives. Over 85% of those experiencing eating disorders find it hard to access treatment. The HSE have launched the first Self Care App which provides valuable information for those with or people caring for someone with an eating disorder. Early intervention is associated with better outcomes and faster recovery but research shows that over 85% of those experiencing eating disorders find it hard to access treatment. The app provides accurate information and advice for anyone worried about developing an eating disorder or for those who have been diagnosed or are recovering from an eating disorder. The app was developed by HSE Clinical Programme for Eating Disorders, Bodywhys and the Eating Disorders Association of Ireland and it contains helpful information for family and friends including: Advice about what to say and do Guidance to get help at the right time and place Help on the road to recovery Click here to download the app Click here for a poster guide on how to download the app It is important to note that this Eating Disorders Self Care and Information App is not a treatment programme or a replacement for medical advice. For advice on how to access health care support for eating disorders please contact your local GP. From National Clinical Programme for Eating Disorders. Email: Rhona.jennings@hse.ie Farming for nature Newsletter This bimonthly publication contains useful information on upcoming news and events, offers helpful nature-friendly tips for your farm, and highlights some really good resources, including some words of wisdom from our farmers! The Farming for Nature initiative was established to acknowledge and support those farmers who farm, or wish to farm, in a way that will improve the natural health of our countryside. There are ways in which we can all get involved, so read on and see what you can do. Farming for nature Newsletter March/ April If you wish to update the contact details, we have held for your group and guarantee up to date information please email details to coordinator@ppntipperary.ie