In an emergency always dial 999 or 112 – Remember that this is an Emergency Service and should only be used in an emergency i.e. life is at risk, crime or incident is happening now, anyone is in immediate danger.
Local Garda Stations:
- Clonmel – (052) 6177640
- Ardfinnan – (052) 7466203
- Clogheen – (052) 7465204
- Cahir – (052) 7445630
South Tipperary General Hospital: Western Road, Clonmel, Co Tipperary. Tel: 052 6177000
GP Out-of-Hours Service, Caredoc: 1850 334 999 OR 059 9138100
This is a service to provide you and your family with access to family doctor services outside of normal hours. This service operates from 6p.m. to 8a.m. Monday to Friday, and from 12pm on Saturday until 8am Monday and on Bank Holidays.
Local Doctors:
Durack, Dr Bernard, Health Centre, Clogheen, Co. Tipperary (052) 6165503
O Donovan, Dr William, Ballymacarbry, Co. Waterford (052) 6136161
Spillane, Dr Dominic, Mount Anglesby, Clogheen, Co. Tipperary (052) 6165116
ESB Networks Emergency and Loss of Supply Contact Information. T: 1850 372 999 (24/7 service)
Or: 021 238 2410
Irish Water: Customer Care Team: Callsave 1850 278 278
OR 01 707 2828
Lines are open 24/7

Please note the locations of all 4 Defibrillators in Newcastle Village
- Deora De Housing Estate, Outside the Office, top right corner of the estate, beside front door. (Yellow Box)
- Community Hall, To the right of the front door. (Yellow Box)
- Tigh na nDaoine, (Community House) To the left of the front door, in a built in wall (Silver Box)
- Newcastle GAA grounds, to the right of the changing room door. (Yellow Box)