🔴 Newcastle Volunteer Clean Up Morning this Saturday 20th June from 10am to Noon. (full details below). We’re back and inviting you to get involved in our new committee! Due to Covid19, the annual National Spring Clean has been rescheduled and we are running a...
Press Release No 7 – Wednesday 10th June 2020  Re: COVID-19 Advisory Update – Changes to Local Authority Activities with effect from 8th June 2020  What to expect in Phase 2?  Libraries Users can expect a safe lending service via a „Contact and Collect?...
The Historic Graves project is a community focused grassroots heritage project. Local community groups, in our case here in Newcastle it was the BN&B CE Scheme are trained in low-cost high-tech field survey of historic graveyards and recording of their own oral...
MESSAGE FROM TIPPERARY LOCAL AUTHORITY: All queries to Environment Section on 0761-06-5000 Dear PPN Member, The National Spring Clean which takes place from 8th June to 20th June, 2020. It is coordinated nationally by An Táisce and supported locally by Tipperary...
9th May 2020 | Guidelines The Return to Work Safely Protocol is designed to support employers and workers to put measures in place that will prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, when the economy begins to slowly open up,...
Ministers Ring and Canney launch €40 million COVID-19 support package for Community and Voluntary Organisations, Charities and Social Enterprises 8th May 2020 Funding will help alleviate funding challenges faced by organisations most in need Mr Michael Ring TD, the...