Newcastle CFR Group (Cardiac First Responder) Group was formed in 2016. The group, under the guidance and leadership of Mr. Donal Lonergan Community Engagement Officer with the National Ambulance Service began training people in the locality on CPR and...
If you’re around Newcastle and the surrounding areas you will see this Massey 135 out and about. It is our workhorse and was never made to sit in a shed. Even though it has been restored to the highest standards it will continue to work daily. Photos taken: 14th...
ALONE is looking forward to providing specialist supports for Older People in Tipperary. Many thanks to Bridget Farrell @SouthEastCH, Phil Shanahan @sthtippdevco, Liam Kelly and @mattiemcgrathtd for their help to date. #YouAreNotAlone#GoodMorningSouthTipperary Photo...
BN&B CE Scheme – Liam Kelly received a presentation today Friday 14th August for his retirement from the scheme. A tireless worker for and on behalf of all in the local communities.
BN&B CE Scheme – Our Restoration Project of the Massey Ferguson 135 that has been completed in July 2020. Well done to all involved in this fantastic restoration.