BIG NEWS: Santa’s Test Run through Newcastle

BIG NEWS: Santa’s Test Run through Newcastle

Due to Covid 19, Santa has to take extra precautions this year and needs to plan his route to perfection… So Santa will be taking a Test Run on his sleigh through the village of Newcastle and approach roads on the evening of Sunday, December 20th! Because all of...
St. Vincent De Paul Christmas 2020 Fundraiser.

St. Vincent De Paul Christmas 2020 Fundraiser.

Today, for too many people, it can still just take one small problem to tip someone into crisis and poverty. It can be an unexpected illness or unexpected bills. Our Lady’s Conference of St. Vincent De Paul Ardfinnan are currently restricted in our fundraising...
Ann Forbes retires after 6 years in Scoil Mhuire Newcastle.

Ann Forbes retires after 6 years in Scoil Mhuire Newcastle.

Congratulations to Ann Forbes who recently retired as our cleaner. Ann took great care of the school for the past 6 years and always prided herself in having the place looking spotless. We are greatly indebted to her for all her hard work and dedication to the school....
NewScastle Times – Scoil Mhuire National School Newsletter 2020

NewScastle Times – Scoil Mhuire National School Newsletter 2020

Hello everyone, here is our 2nd edition of the NewScastle Times which was put together by Cara, Eva and Alex in 6th class. I think you’ll all agree that they did a super job. Well done to all the boys and girls on their great work during the first term!! We are...
Newcastle Community Garden. October 2020

Newcastle Community Garden. October 2020

The Horticulture group busy in the Newcastle Community Garden. October 2020. We as a community are delighted to have been able to assist in helping to make this training happen.
New CCTV Cameras for Newcastle!

New CCTV Cameras for Newcastle!

Tigh na nDaoine has been awarded €2500 for the installation of Security Cameras around the premises under the Community Enhancement Programme Grant with Tipperary County Council!  After antisocial behaviour issues here last year, the cameras are a welcome...
As Gaeilge »