Tigh na Ndaione is a community house in Pairc Ard, Newcastle, Clonmel, Co.Tipperary. We want to let the local community & surrounding area’s know of activities, classes & events that take place within our house.
Tigh na nDaoine community house is available for some meetings, classes, courses. It is suitable for lots of different activity’s how ever big or small for all inquiries please call Mary on 052 6120141 on Tuesdays or Wednesdays 10am to 12noon.

Some of the events that take place (this is not an exhaustive list) in Tigh na nDaoine are:
- Good Morning South Tipperary
- Community Alert meetings
- Computer Training (10 computer classroom, rear extension)
- Small Library
- Club 66 senior citizen group, chat, a hot meal, quiz, sing a long, & more
- Art classes
- Cooking classes
- Baby & Toddler group
- Foróige
- Seachtain na Gaeilge promotional events
- Knit & Natter, learn to Croche
- Music lessons for children of school going age run by Newcastle CCE.
- Upcycling classes
- Defibrillator Training
Our Mission Statement:
Bunchúis Tigh na nDaoine:
Chun seifteanna agus áiseanna a chur ar fáil do dhaoine de gach aoisghrúpa agus gach cultúr a chur san áireamh, i dtimpeallacht tiriúil fáilteach, go príomha ag aontú le h-úsáid na Gaeilge agus chun spiorad an phobail a chaomhnú.
To provide resources and facilities embracing all age groups and cultures in a homely welcoming environment, primarily endorsing the use of the Irish language and nurturing community spirit.
Speaking with staff and guests at Tigh na nDaoine, the home of Newcastle Community Youth and Resource Group in Clonmel. Minister Hanafin said:
“Tigh na nDaoine provides such a wide number of services and opportunities to the local community from childcare, IT training and a jobs club to drama and film classes to Club 66, a social morning for older people in the area which provides exercise, dinner and social activities. The Centre is successfully reaching out to all ages and sections of the community with practical support, educational opportunities and a social outlet.”