It was a wonderful day (yesterday 24th April 2022) at the 99th Commemoration of General Liam Lynch in Newcastle.
We had a great turnout particularly and it was great to see so many of our friends from far and near who we had missed over the last two years. Thank you to Carol Nolan TD. for giving a wonderful oration on the occasion. It was great to welcome back two of Liam Lynch’s great grand nieces Dolores Lyne and Nuala O’Riordan and have them present with us.
Thanks also to our Committee for all their hard work. We are certainly looking forward to the year ahead as we prepare for the centenary commemoration and we would welcome any new volunteers to our committee to help us with our Centenary commemorations.
See some photos below taken on Commemoration day. (click on photo for bigger version)
The Liam Lynch Commemoration Committee.

Photo taken: Sunday 24th April 2022.