Newcastle, Goatenbridge, Ardfinnan, Clogheen and Ballyporeen have joined forces to promote the Knockmealdown Mountain region. Contact us at knockmealdownactive@gmail.com
Past Event, but 2020 event info is coming…

Knockmealdown Active is a new concept which aims to promote the Knockmealdown Mountains among the local community and to visitors by highlighting the area’s many attractions and amenities.
The communities at the foot of the Knockmealdonws, Newcastle, Goatenbridge, Ardfinna, Clogheen and Ballyporeen have joined forces to create the Knockmealdown steering committee:
Seamus Butler, PJ English, Billy Hale, Caitriona Murphy, Helen Nugent, Jim O’Brien, Kevin O’Donnell, Marian O’Dwyer, Mark Rylands, David Slattery and Philip Walsh.
Helped by Philly Ryan , project officer with Celtic Community Link, a Muintir na Tire initiative and Con Ryan, rural recreation officer with the South Tipperary Development Company, we are now asking the local communities to joining us in our mission to enhance, promote and develop this fantastic natural amenity that we have on our doorstep.
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