Newcastle Community Council in South Tipperary.

Overview of Development/Advancement
Newcastle Muintir Parish Guild was founded in 1970, and the greatest achievement to date was to survive, and celebrate 40 years, on November 20th 2010.
- Refurbishment and modernization of the Community hall, in a 3 phase project, from 2007-2010. Through Grant aid and local fundraising, the hall is now a beacon in the central life of Newcastle.
- Publication of an Information Leaflet for new residents and visitors to Newcastle.
- Facilitation of bereaved families by providing refreshments and support at Funerals.
- Provision of a Savings Club for Christmas, first started in1982, and a second saving club for people travelling to Lourdes annually.
- Compilation of a Parish newsletter for ex-parishioners away from home at Christmas.
- Involvement with Community Alert, Tidy Towns, Listening Service, FAS, and St Vincent De Paul.
- Organization of an open- air Remembrance Mass annually in parish graveyards.
- Identifying and responding to local needs, and working with relevant bodies at times of crises and trauma in the community.
- Securing funding (1982-2011) through charity events to sponsor patients who wish to travel to Lourdes annually.
- Educational advancement – Adult VEC and Irish College.