Newcastle Clonmel Tipperary Church Information & Times.
Church of Our Lady Of The Assumption in Newcastle, Tipperary is a friendly Christian community where we welcome others to join us in our worship and service to God.
Our vision is to make an impact for God, here in Newcastle, Tipperary by helping people understand the enriching messages of eternal hope given to us by Jesus Christ through His words and deeds.
Everyone is welcome, no matter your age, beliefs, or background. Come just as you are – we’d love to get to know you better.
Very Rev: Fr Michael Toomey
Address: Parochial House, Newcastle, Clonmel, Tipperary.
Phone: 052-6136387
Mobile: 086-8273155
December 2020 (Covid-19 Update)
A message from Fr Michael to the parishioners of Ardfinnan, Ballybacon, Grange, & Newcastle, Fourmilewater.
It is wonderful news that our churches can reopen on Tuesday, 1st of December for public Mass and worship. I just want to let you all know of what we are hoping to have in place safely for everyone, especially in the coming weeks, and to advise you of measures we have to put in place.Face masks are now compulsory inside the church. Please use hand sanitisers.
For the month of December, our weekday Masses will be on:
MONDAYS:10am: Newcastle- Our Lady of the Assumption
TUESDAYS:9.30am: Ardfinnan- Holy Family
WEDNESDAYS: 10am: Fourmilewater – Our Lady & St. Laurence
THURSDAYS:10am: Newcastle- Our Lady of the Assumption
FRIDAYS:9.30am: Ardfinnan- Holy Family10am: Fourmilewater – Our Lady & St. Laurence
TUESDAY 8th: 9.30am: Ardfinnan- Holy Family 6.30pm: Newcastle- Our Lady of the AssumptionAll days / times are provisional and subject to current restrictions.
Times will be reviewed in the New Year with the parish councils.
A reminder our Sunday Mass times changed before the lockdown:
Saturday Vigil 5pm – Newcastle 6.30pm – Ardfinnan Sunday 9am – Fourmilewater 10.30am- Grange 12pm – Ballybacon Numbers will be limited to 50 (pods of 50 in our larger churches). Funerals and weddings are still limited to 25.
Baptisms will recommence as soon as we get clarity on this. Numbers will obviously have to be limited at Christmas in all churches across the country. We will be working in the coming weeks on how to welcome as many as possible at Christmas, conscious of the limited numbers allowed. This will not be easy and I ask for your patience and understanding. I will be meeting with both parish councils this week to plan the obvious logistics and challenges we face, especially in regard to Christmas liturgies. I also have a meeting with the Bishop and other priests and the Diocesan Pastoral council to share ideas and plan ahead. We will do all we can safely, and do our upmost to ensure everyone has a chance over the 12 Days of Christmas period to celebrate the birth of Christ, prayerfully.
There is a huge effort being put in by so many people in all our churches, and we would be grateful for any helpers in the coming weeks for stewarding and cleaning between services to ensure the health and safety of all who enter our churches, and to maintain our Covid-19 Parish Plan posted on the entrance doors. Everything we do will be in compliance with the guidelines issued by the government and Irish Bishops Conference.To ensure social distancing and to keep entrances clear, we have had to make some changes to seating areas in all churches to accommodate as many as possible.
Each bench has a red tape on it in a section. PLEASE DO NOT SIT ON ANY RED TAPED AREAS. This ensures social distancing beside you, in front of you and behind you. Families can sit in one section (max of 5). Please only sit in your own family bubble/ social support. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this. I hope to issue our Christmas plan to everyone after consulting our parish councils, by the 13th December. As we enter into the Season of Advent, that special time of longing for the Lord’s coming, I pray that this will be a grace-filled time for us all. May these weeks of waiting and wonder renew our faith, so that we will be ready to welcome Jesus Christ into our hearts, our families, and our world! Albeit very differently from what we have been used to. Welcome home! And keep well!
With every good wish and blessing,
Fr Michael Toomey.