Ditch removal at Mollough Cross. Great to see works being carried out to improve visibility at Mollough Cross, Newcastle after years of lobbying by Mattie McGrath TD. Thanks to Engineer James Swords, Walter Doheny and all the lads on site today. Special...
*HOSPICE CLASSIC: August 29th & 30th*The BRS is now open for Booking for the Hospice Classic. *Tee Times* : 8am Friday 30th and Thursday afternoon (29th).Please support a very worthy cause South Tipperary Hospice Movement
This is a chance to get out in our thousands. We need everyone within the county to get up and get out on the streets. If they powers that be are not willing to listen we will show them we are not going away. Crisis beds are needed. Not yesterday not a years time but...
Muintir na Tíre has been allocated funding by the Department of Rural and Community Development to install Carbon Monoxide alarms in the homes of elderly and vulnerable persons. This programme is aimed at persons who do not have existing alarms and do not have the...