If you’re around Newcastle and the surrounding areas you will see this Massey 135 out and about. It is our workhorse and was never made to sit in a shed. Even though it has been restored to the highest standards it will continue to work daily. Photos taken: 14th...
ALONE is looking forward to providing specialist supports for Older People in Tipperary. Many thanks to Bridget Farrell @SouthEastCH, Phil Shanahan @sthtippdevco, Liam Kelly and @mattiemcgrathtd for their help to date. #YouAreNotAlone#GoodMorningSouthTipperary Photo...
BN&B CE Scheme – Liam Kelly received a presentation today Friday 14th August for his retirement from the scheme. A tireless worker for and on behalf of all in the local communities.
BN&B CE Scheme – Our Restoration Project of the Massey Ferguson 135 that has been completed in July 2020. Well done to all involved in this fantastic restoration.