Keeping our community in and around Newcastle, Co. Tipperary informed on issues of security and general awareness in the locality.
A Few Crime Prevention Tips
- DO’s:
- DO keep your Doors and Windows locked at all times. DO consider a Burglar Alarm and set it when leaving your home and going to bed.
- DO try and be a good Neighbour and report any suspicious activity to the Gardaí.
- DONT’s:
DONT keep large sums of cash in your home. - DONT leave implements lying outside of your home which could be used to gain entry.
- DONT leave valuables in your home that can be easily seen by burglars from the outside.
Some Information about how ‘Community Alert’ works.
The Community Alert programme is a community-based crime prevention, care and safety programme for rural communities. It has a particular emphasis on older and more vulnerable people in rural communities.

The National programme was established in 1984 and is managed by Muintir na Tíre and the Garda Síochána. It is funded by the Department of Justice and Equality and the Department of Health.

The programme aims to improve the quality of life in rural communities through:
- Reducing opportunities for crimes to occur
- Encouraging neighbourliness and self-reliance
- Promoting accident prevention and personal safety
Community alert groups
The Community Alert programme operates through a network of community alert groups, each of which is responsible for a particular area. A group may be set up in response to community demand or as a result of Garda contact. There are about 1250 such groups throughout the country.
Each group has an elected Community Alert Committee which manages the group and a Community Alert Area Coordinator who maintains contact with a Garda Liaison Officer. Resource materials are provided by the Garda Síochána.
Further information on the Community Alert programme and on setting up a community alert group is available on the Muintir na Tíre website and in the Community Alert handbook (pdf).
Community Text Alert
Community Text Alert is an Initiative to facilitate immediate communication from the Garda Síochána to the public. The Garda Síochána provide information by text or e-mail to each registered community contact” and they, in turn forward the information by text or e-mail to all members of their Community Group.
More information on the iniative is available on the Garda Síochána website and the Muintir Na Tire website.
Where to contact
If you live in a Community Alert area, your local Garda station has the contact details for your local Community Alert Group. If you do not and you are interested in setting up a Group in your area, contact your local Gardaí or the Muintir na Tíre Community Alert Development Officer.
South Eastern Region (Tipperary, Wexford, Kilkenny, Waterford, Carlow) Contact Margaret Quinn – mquinn@muintir.ie
About Property Marking Ireland
Property Marking Ireland is a newly-established company which has been set up to roll out a property marking crime prevention program throughout Ireland in collaboration with the communities North and South. Property Marking Ireland is a not-for-profit social enterprise with no shareholders. All funds raised will be used for the provision of the service and any profit made will be used to improve or expand this service.
Over the past 2 years we have completed three pilot property marking crime prevention programs and the findings in all three are clear. “Households and businesses are less likely to be victims of crime when they have their valuables security marked”. In addition, this crime prevention program will allow the detection, identification, and return of stolen or lost property to its rightful owner since the program involves marking property items with the Eircode number of the owner – a unique identifier. This service will be launched in the near future in Newcastle. James O’Neill, Development Manager, Property Marking Ireland.
What is property marking? This short video clip below can explain it perfectly.